Monday, October 11, 2010

Toy Review: Sci-Fi Revoltech Toy Story 3 Woody

Klu sebut je Toy Story, kita mesti akan terbayang watak utamanya iaitu Woody, si koboi yg selalu merasakan kedudukannya terancam. Since Toy Story yg pertama, Woody akan tetap jadik watak favourite aku smp skrg.

Sbb tulah, bila Kaiyodo mengumumkan yg dorang akan releasekan Woody dan Buzz Lightyear utk Revoltech line dorg, aku dgn pantas pre-order kedua-duanya. Sblm aku start review, rasanya aku nak cerita sape Kaiyodo, ape tu Revoltech.. Kaiyodo ni syarikat pengeluar Revoltech. Ni aku quote ape yg wikipedia ckp pasal Revoltech ni
Revoltech (リボルテック) is a portmanteau for Revolver Technology," in reference to the unique "Revolver Joint" articulation which all of the figures in this particular series utilize. This gives the figures a wide range of motion and stability, allowing for many dynamic and varied poses.
The subject matter for the Revoltech line can be broadly split into four categories—Real Robot, Super Robot, Humanoid and Creature. Thus far, robots and characters from anime, video games, manga, tokusatsu, film and television have been covered.

Revolver Joint
The Revolver Joint is composed of three pieces, two half spheres whose flat sections provide the friction surface for the articulation, and a cross section pin that locks the whole ensemble into place. Both half-spheres have round cylindrical pegs used to connect the different body parts of any given figure.
Masa mula-mula aku tengok kotak dia.. peh besar.. hitam dan nampak sgt eksklusif.. Sbb seblm2 ni aku tgk revoltech lain nye kotak biasa je.. kecik dan kaler putih. 
Woody depan kotak dia, bersama Lenny si teropong
Siap dpt benda alah ni.. ape tah org panggil benda ni, yg bila kita gerak-gerakkan gambar dia tukar2 tu..

 Ni la rupa kat dalam kotak tu. Kiranya klu nk display camni pun dah chantek.. :)

Ok dah keluar drp kotak. Ade Woody, kepala ekstra, topi, 4 tgn, ade 1 tgn Buzz (??), Lenny si teropong, tag nama Woody, ade coin ape tah dgn kotak simpan aksesori. Kepala ekstra dgn muka Woody senyum jahat tu smp skrg aku tak berani nak tukar.. Seram dowh..

Woody tak sabar² nk kuar dr kotak
Basically, aku suka sgt Revoltech Woody ni.. Nak wat aksi sgt senang.. Aksesori pun bnyk.. Ade sket kekurangan cam sarung pistol kt pinggang dia menyebabkan agak susah utk wat aksi duduk. Dan badge sheriff dia tu pun menyebabkan pergerakan tgn kiri dia agak terganggu.. Apart from that yg lain sume aku suke.. Aku bg 4.5 bintang

Kat kaki ni cat dia lain sket, nak bg tekstur cam seluar jeans

Ni pun aku suka. Siap ade tulis ANDY kat tapak kasut dia. Sebijik cam dlm citer
Tu je aku nye review tentang Sci-Fi Revoltech Toy Story 3 Woody. Nanti aku akan citer pasal Buzz Lightyear lak.. Salamz..

1 comment:

kamarkyuubi said...

Salam bro, selalu pre-order & beli figure ni kt website mana?

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